We can finally go on camp again, so we celebrated with a weekend away at Invertrossachs. There were all the normal scout camp activities (bivouacs, hammocks, campfires, "entertainment") we we also went out on the Bell boats, raised some flag/climbing poles, went on a bike ride to Loch Drunkie and of course ate a lot of sausages and cake.
Scouts at Invertrossachs
Cub Camp at Invertrossachs
Now that we are allowed to camp again, we set off to Invertrossachs for a weekend with the Scouts.
As well as loads of the normal camping activities we went on a bike ride, on the water in the Bell boats...and of course there were lots of sausages to eat.
Beavers at Invertrossachs 2021
Last weekend the Beavers visitied the Cub and Scout camp at Invertrossachs. Some of the Cubs and Scouts helped them with their favourite activity...cooking marshmallows on a campfire.
Beavers - creating a Code of Conduct
This week the Beavers reviewed and signed our Code of Conduct. In the spirit of rule #6, the signing was with a handprint and
incorporated into an obstacle course.
Scouts - Outdoor Art
This week the Scouts tried their hand at something more creative. Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, they used natural materials to create art outdoors.
Scouts conquer Dunmore
We are finally (nearly) back to normal and Scouts is meeting every week. We're trying to do as much outdoors and this week we went on a hike up Dunmore, just outside Fintry.